
Common Cold in Babies: 6 Best & Proven Home Remedies
Cold and cough are the most evitable symptoms of common cold, which is caused due to the viral infection in nose and throat. It occurs mostly among babies or infants.
The condition can be relatively harmless and can occur at any time of the year. However, it is never a good idea to leave it untreated without any precautions.
Common Cold in Babies: 6 Best & Proven Home Remedies
- Symptoms of Common Cold in Babies
- When should You go for Medical Treatment?
- Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Babies
- Self-Care and Prevention
- The Gist of it
Symptoms of Common Cold in Babies
Here are a few common symptoms of common cold in kids and infants:
- Runny nose
- Nasal discharges, turning colors from clear to green or yellow
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Irritability
- Less appetite
- Sleeplessness
- Mild fever
- Avoiding milk bottle due to nasal blockage
When should You go for Medical Treatment?
Your baby’s immune system takes some time to get fully matured. If the baby with cold shows no other health complication, he/she can generally recover within 10-14 days. However, for babies below the age of 3 months, it is always advisable to consult a physicist or a medical child specialist as early as possible. Medication and antibiotics can fight the infection with speedy recovery.
For conditions other than this, choosing medication all the time is not a good idea. It can lead to harmful effects in the body like drug resistant and weak immune system in the long run.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Babies
For mild conditions, relying on ayurvedic home remedies for cough and cold in babies is found quite effective for steady recovery. It can strengthen the body’s immune system along with many other health benefits.
If you are worrying about what to do for a baby with a cough, here are a few home remedies for cold and cough in babies.
Milk and Turmeric
To recover from common cold and its complications,
- Take 1 tbs of garlic paste
- Add it to a cup of warm milk
- Give this to your baby 3 times a day
It can relieve your baby from the cold immediately.
Tulsi and Ginger
- Take 2-3 leaves of basil plant (tulsi)
- Make a paste out of it
- Mix it with an equal amount of dried ginger powder
- Put the mixture into a cup of warm milk
- You can add little amount of brown sugar for flavor
- Give this to your baby thrice daily
It is one among the best Indian home remedies for cold in infants
Gargling with Turmeric Powder Solution
This home remedy is suitable for children above 4 years of age.
- Take a tsp of turmeric powder
- Add it to a glass of warm water
- Let your child gargle with this solution thrice daily
Ginger Juice with Honey and Tulsi
- Take 2-3 thumbs of ginger
- 2-3 basil leaves or tulsi
- A glass of warm water
- Make a juice out of them
- Add 1 tsp of honey
- Give this to your child to drink 3 times daily
Lemon with Hot Water
- Take a glass of hot water
- Squeeze 2 lemons’ juice into it
- Add little sugar for flavor
- Give this to your child to drink before going to bed at night.
These are some of the Indian home remedies for cold and cough in infants. Apart from these, you can also try feeding 10-12 ml of fresh Amla juice daily to the baby or ghee fried ginger to control cold and cough.
Other Home Remedies for Cough in Infants
You can use following home remedies as well for baby with cough:
- If your baby is over a year old, give him/her a tsp of honey before bedtime. It can fight sore throat and prevent coughs.
- Use saline nasal drops to clear stuffy nose for better breathing, eating, and sleeping. Use only 2-3 times a day. It is one of the most effective cough remedies for babies under 1 year of age.
- Focus on feeding more fluids rather than dry sticky foods. It can thin out the mucus, making the nose less stuffy that the baby can cough out the gunk easily.
- Maintaining the room moisture with a humidifier can help your baby breath comfortably.
Following these steps can give you an effective treatment for baby under two years, including 2 months old baby with cold and cough.
Self-Care and Prevention
Apart from the above-mentioned home remedies for cold in babies, here are a few preventive measures:
- Strengthen your kids’ immune system by adding tulsi and amla in their diet.
- Avoid over heating the room.
- Take cautions while with people having cold and cough.
- Feed the baby warm fluids regularly and frequently.
The Gist of it
For kids, including newborn baby with colds, home remedies along with medication can fight the infection with speedy recovery. To boost the pace of recovery, your home remedy aid will also play a crucial role.
So, never fail to give ayurvedic home remedies for cough and cold in babies even if you have medication from the doctors and specialists. It will not only cure the ailment but will also restrict the virus from spreading to their siblings and other family members.