
6 Unknown Benefits of Ushtrasana (How-to-Do & Common Mistakes)
The benefits of practicing yoga, both physical and mental, have been known to us for ages. Recognizing this, people from all around the world have started adopting it in their daily routine for a healthier life.
Yoga comprises of a wide range of postures or ‘asanas’. Each posture has unique properties and benefits of their own. Mentally, attaining the yoga postures through body movements acquainted with the breathing sensation can elevate your mind, experience, and ways of thinking.
Among yoga postures, Ustrasana or Camel Pose is one significantly rewarding asana that can stimulate the body functions and alongside reducing stress and anxiety. Daily attainment of this asana is the key to a healthy life, protecting you from various ailments and body disorders.
6 Unknown Benefits of Ushtrasana (How-to-Do & Common Mistakes)
- Step-by-Step Guide – How to Attain Ustrasana?
- Common Mistakes to Avoid while practicing Ustrasana
- What are the Benefits of Ustrasana?
- The Gist of it
Step-by-Step Guide – How to Attain Ustrasana?
- Kneel on smooth ground. Straighten your spine and erect it.
- Set your toes facing straight backward by aligning flat on the floor.
- Set 1 ft of the distance between the knees.
- Gently inhale and bend backwards by stretching the ribcage.
- Lift your chest upward.
- Now exhale and place your palms on the heels of their respective sides.
- Make sure that your thighs lie vertical to the ground through your head bends at the back.
- Let your arms and legs support the body.
- Stay in this position for up to 30 seconds.
- Now take a deep exhalation and set back to the normal original position steadily.
Common Mistakes to Avoid while practicing Ustrasana
While performing yoga and acquiring the Ustrasana posture, make sure that you avoid these common mistakes:
- Never forcibly stress your neck by stretching back with pressure
- Check the distance between your hips. Do not spread them more than the length of one hip.
- If you do not know about yoga or doubt if the steps you must acknowledge are right, it is always advised to perform under the guidance of a professional yoga trainer.
What are the Benefits of Ustrasana?
From inner peace to healing various ailments, practicing yoga postures like Ustrasana can offer one a lot of benefits. Here are some of the most prominent ones.
Corrects the Defective Body Posture
People working with desk-bound jobs usually suffer sore muscles resulting in bad body posture due to stress in the spine. Ustrasana is one safe and rewarding yoga asana to attain every day that can naturally correct the defective body posture. The stretching exercise involved in acquiring this asana will strengthen the spines and correct the curvy back slowly. Additionally, this will protect you from the potential harmfulness it can create in your body.
Shapes Body & Reduces Fat
Regular attainment of Ustrasana will help you build a well-structured body by reducing the fats from your body parts like thighs, hips, stomach, and arms. This way, you can successfully achieve fitness and a lean-built body with a lot of physical stamina and self-esteem.
Healthy Cardiovascular Function
Ustrasana involves stretching of chest muscles and other body parts. This is highly essential to lower blood pressure, reduce hypertension, regulate blood circulation, and to maintain a healthy heart. Thus, it is beneficial for people having hypertension to practice Ustrasana.
Enhances Digestive Health
People having digestive health complications like acidity, indigestion, bloating, and constipation, etc., will find a lot of improvements by regular practice of this asana. Because it helps in detoxification of body. It regulates blood circulation in the digestive tract as well. This way, you will gain appetite, better digestive functioning, and eased excretion.
Enrichment of Thyroid Glands
Gently stretching the neck muscles while practicing Ustrasana nourishes thyroid and parathyroid glands. It helps to enhance the functioning of the glands and regulates the production of its hormonal content. In addition to this, it can also enhance the functioning of endocrine glands, which can prevent you from diseases concerning ovary and pineal glands.
Improves Mental Health
What makes Ustrasana more significant is the way how it relieves stress and anxiety. Therefore, it is very helpful in maintaining a healthy mental state. The movements and stretches like bending at the back elevate mind and release the tensions and stresses. It will make you feel a sense of calmness, creativity, concentration ability, and a lot of positive vibes. Practicing this yoga asana everyday will shield your mind from mental illness in the long run.
The Gist of It
These are just a few briefings about Ustrasana while there are a lot more benefits of practicing it. However, you should never fail to seek guidance from a certified yoga practitioner.